How to write texts on topics you don’t have a clue about (yet)

Successfully mastering the journey into the unknown

 Christina Heekeren-Thür | © punkt & komma
Christina Heekeren-Thür
Social media marketer
You’ve got a new text project on your agenda? Congratulations! But there’s one problem: You have absolutely no clue about the topic or the industry. Don’t worry! Even we don’t always know the ins and outs of certain topics. Be it an industry text for bathroom designers, automotive or logistics companies – every project is by definition a new challenge. That’s why it matters even more to stay calm and to take your time to familiarise with the new topic. What’s the best approach for that? Let’s find out!
Tip 1

Don’t be afraid of a blank sheet of paper!

We’ve already mentioned it in the beginning: don’t be afraid of a blank sheet of paper! If you approach new topics and industries with an open mind, you’ll be able to deal with them successfully. If you’re tensing up from the start, you’ve pretty much signed up for the first writer’s block. So, always keep in mind: There’s no topic you can’t come to grips with and work on. 
Tip 2

Briefing is essential!

It’s as simple as that: “The better your briefing info, the better the result”. We as copywriters can’t read minds, after all, and that’s why we need the right info to write the perfect text. Facts about the company, the product and the personas as well as the objectives are the basic prerequisites for a successful project. 

Our tip: You can find them at almost every company – info materials. Collect everything you can get your hands on and skim them for the most important details! 
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Tip 3

Research, research, research

After the briefing process comes research. Main premise: Take your time! There’s no use in rushing the research process – this helps neither your boss nor your client. Generally speaking, it’s best to start broad and then hone in on the details to answer all necessary wh-questions. Additionally, it doesn’t hurt to check on what the competition is doing. 

Don’t forget: It doesn’t always have to be Google. You can find a lot of information about certain topics on social media as well. Sometimes a simple YouTube video is all you need. But the good old-fashioned way can work wonders too: Just take a look into a book or a specialist magazine! 
Tip 4

Include friends and colleagues!

Your best friend is a total car buff? How convenient that your next project is about e-mobility! Whether it’s cars, logistics or beauty: There’s always someone you can ask. Keep your eyes and ears open, don’t hesitate to approach people and ask questions! The worst that can happen is that you won’t get an answer. 

Mind you: There’s no such thing as a stupid question! A minute detail isn’t really tangible for you yet? Ask your contact person at the company! Texts riddled with mistakes are nothing short of embarrassing, after all. 
Tip 5

Definitely write a sample text!

You’ve already read up on the topic? It all seems clear as day to you? Great! But before you start diving into the entire text project, you should definitely get a sample text approved first. That’s the only way both you and your customer can find out if you’re heading in the right direction. 

The basis for your text is set. You’ve gathered all the information you need. If only there wasn’t this stupid writer’s block! Go ahead and check out our 10 tips to beat writer’s block in the online magazine for good content! 
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